Sunday, June 23, 2013

And so it begins...

Here we are!  It's finally here.  We kicked off our trip tonight and it's been an amazing start.  I'm so excited for what God is going to do.  Please pray for our team.  We've got a full week ahead and we need God to move in a powerful way.  We want to see amazing things happen and continue to happen even after this week is over.  That will only be true because of the power of the Holy Spirit moving.  Please join us by praying!

As always, anytime God is up to something big, the enemy is going to try to beat us down and distract us.  Two of our students lost a grandparent this week.  Pray that they can grieve properly, yet still learn and grow in all that God has for them this week.  Also, one of our students is so sick that she couldn't join us to start the trip.  Pray for quick healing and for her to join us as soon as she can.

Jenny Veness, our friend and mom of one of our students, has arranged 2 times this week that you can join others in person to pray for us.  This Tuesday at 10:30am and this Thursday at 6:30pm.  Both times will be at the Root Cafe.  We really appreciate this!  We need your prayers.

Tomorrow, start our first day at Leggett School for Camp LearnAlot.  We are so excited.  We will also be serving at First Glance in the afternoon.  For dinner, each van will go to a different ethnic restaurant in Akron.  We'll finish our day with a time to reflect on the day and worship together.  I can't wait!

Tune in tomorrow for stories from students and more pictures!


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